We are now offering fat transfer breast augmentation. This is a much more natural way to improve the size and shape of the breasts. For instance, excess fat from the abdomen and legs can be moved to enhance other areas. With a Fat Transfer, your breasts can increase up to 2 cups in size.
We have the surgeon with the skills to transfer your own fat to reshape your waistline and enhance the breast region.
Using your own fat is simply the most natural way to enhance your breast shape and size.
The fat tissue added to your breasts is indistinguishable from the look and feel of your natural breasts.
At Indianapolis Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we understand you have questions; you want the latest information and facts. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to contact us anytime.
What is a Fat Grafting Breast Augmentation?
Using the patient’s own fat to reshape other body areas, is known as autologous fat transfer.
With the aid of the liposuction cannula, the specialist removes the fat deposits. These fat deposits go through a filtering and purification process. The doctor then injects them back in the breast area.
The most common fat donor areas are the stomach, thighs, and waist.
With a fat transfer to the breasts – there is a maximum increase of 2 up to cup sizes. Usually the procedure takes place under local anesthesia.
This procedure combines liposuction of unwanted body fat from designated areas and transfers that unwanted fat to the breasts.
Patients with post-breast-feeding sagginess, of rapid weight loss procedure, or that show natural aging effects, can be ideal candidates.
A double win. Liposuction combined with a Fat Transfer is a great way to redefine the curves of a patient.
For many years’ patients have asked us if we could remove unwanted body fat and transfer it to the breasts and now, we do.
What are the Steps of a Breast Augmentation?
There are two phases of this breast-enhancing technique.
Liposuction – Step 1
The surgeon extracts the fat deposits using tumescent liposuction. For extended liposuction in multiple body areas, surgeons prefer to use general anesthesia.
Anesthesia Rule. The rule is: For more complex and traumatic procedures, general anesthesia is standard. For a minor volume of fat extraction, some surgeons prefer to opt for mild sedation.
Fat Purification – Step 2
The fluids obtained from the liposuction (called Lipoaspirate) need to be processed. The lipoaspirate contains the desired fat cells, blood, tumescent fluid, and ruptured fat cells.
The surgeon isolates the fat cells from the lipoaspirate. This is known as Fat Purification. The idea is to separate fat pure and intact fat cells from other fluids.
Fat Injection – Step 3
The fat is injected in the breasts. Using special injection devices with a special tip, the surgeon places the fat cells in the designed areas of the breasts. Surgeons use special injection techniques to preserve the integrity of the fat cells. A ruptured fat cell is a wasted fat cell.
After the procedure, the patient has to wear a special support bra for a week. In the second week, the patient can wear a regular bra.
The duration of a fat transfer to breasts procedure can be between 2 to 4 hours depending on the experience of the surgeon.
Does the procedure hurt?
We use the apropiate anesthesia to asure a painless procedure.
The mild discomfort that results from surgery is manageable with pain-relieving medication and a comfortable support bra. Some patients may wish to wear a compression garment to support tissue healing in their liposuction areas.
Who is a Candidate for Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?
This procedure is ideal for women who have had children and their breasts were larger and now have begun to sag, leaving loss of fullness in the upper breast area.
Patients of a breasts implant removal can benefit from this procedure.
These clients have room in their breasts to accommodate the transferred fat.
Patients who want restoration of lost breast fullness or a moderate size increase are excellent candidates.
Ideal candidates for this highly specialized procedure have:
- Good skin elasticity and tone. The fat transfer to breast procedure only increases breast size; it does not correct stretched or saggy skin and breast tissue. Having loose breast tissue does not exclude a patient from this procedure. In addition, a breast lift is suited to restore the perkiness of the breasts.
- Sufficient fatty tissue in other areas of the body to obtain fat cells for transfer. We may need to obtain fat cells from multiple areas to achieve the desired result. For example, a facial fat graft requires less fat compared to natural breast augmentation.
- A desire to increase breast size subtly. Currently, a single fat transfer to breast procedure can increase breast size one to two cup sizes.
Many candidates have naturally small breasts or have a mismatch in size. Others may be concerned by contour changes after breast implant surgery or other breast issues.
Younger patients with small breasts and no additional skin to hold the transferred fat are not good candidates for the procedure.
We have treated younger patients with a suction breast device called the Brava system to create space to accommodate the fat. This added step works for highly motivated clients that want this procedure.
Fat Transfer Augmentation Advantages:
- Breast enlargement using your own “natural” filler
- No need for saline or silicone gel implants
- Rapid return to your usual activities
- No incisions! Only small needle entry is necessary.
- Implants cost more
- Avoidance of direct surgery, its risks, incisions, and scarring
- In some cases, no general anesthesia is needed
- Complete natural look
- No decrease in nipple sensation
- Future breastfeeding won’t be compromised
What are the possible Risks?
What are the downsides of using fat transfer in breast augmentation?
Risks in the procedure include:
- Cysts
- Fat cell death (aka necrosis)
- Infection
- The possibility that some of the fat cells will migrate elsewhere
- Micro calcification, or tiny salt deposits that can only be detected with imaging
It is important to compare various breast augmentation options with your physician! The option that’s right for you depends on various factors including physical variables and personal preference.
What kind of results can you expect?
Patients can count with a 1-2 cup size increase. Right after surgery, the breasts will be fuller, and after about 2-4 months the final size of the breasts will be obtained.
Not all of the transferred fat can survive in the breasts. Expect some loss of volume, this is totally natural.
Typically, 40 to 50 percent of injected fat survives. Your body reabsorbs the other non+surviving fat.
Some patients retain more and others less. To help the fat survive, it is important to not to sleep on your breasts as this will result in more fat loss.
A Natural Augmentation using your own Fat will not give a drastic increase in size. Therefore, If you want to increase your size by more than 2 cups, you should consider implants instead.
The procedure subtly improves the shape and fullness of the breasts and not just this size.
It can add cleavage and upper pole breast fullness which makes the breasts appear more youthful and attractive.
What is the recovery time from a fat transfer breast augmentation?
After the surgical procedure, you may have some bruising and swelling. These should subside within 1 to 3 weeks. For that reason, You should avoid strenuous exercise during this time.
The Recovery time for fat transfer procedures depends on the extent of the performed procedure. The larger the volume of extracted fat, the longer the recovery period.
During the few days following your fat transfer augmentation, you may feel some discomfort around the breasts. This is completely normal and will disappear within the first few days.
Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation vs. Breast Implants
Fat transfer breast augmentation is the procedure used to add a person’s own fat to the breast area to increase the size of the breasts more naturally.
The objective of a fat transfer is to move excess volume from one area of the body to another. In short, the main concept is to reduce the excess from certain body parts to enhance the deficit of another.
Breast implants are prosthetics (artificially produced products) that alter the look of the breast.
Breast implants are usually one of three types:
- Silicone Breast Implants
- Highly Cohesive Silicone Gel Breast Implants
- Saline Breast Implants
To help understand the difference between the two, here are some of the comparisons to give you a better idea of breast augmentation vs breast implants.
Fat Transfer, 2 procedures in 1
Liposuction: Fat is removed from those areas you want to reduce in size.
Fat transfer: The same fat is reused to add volume to those areas you want to enhance.
That means if you have a bit of extra fat in your hips, thighs, or buttocks, you can lose some of that fat and move it to your breasts, where you want it.
Natural Looking Breasts
The attractiveness of fat transfer lies in the fact that the result of the surgery is a very natural feeling and looking breasts. However, if you want a dramatic increase in size, you might consider having implants.
A simple formula is that the greater the patient’s own breast tissue, and the smaller the prosthesis, the more natural the result. On the other hand, with less tissue and larger prosthesis, the more fake the appearance.
Difference in Size
Fat transfer is pretty much limited in the amount that your breast can be enlarged. In addition, women who are very slim are obviously not the ideal candidates for it (as there’s no fat in their body to transfer). However, fat transfer is great for breast reconstruction if somebody has had a lumpectomy, or for correcting defects like uneven breasts.
You should consider implants for a size increase of more than 2 cups.
Recovery Time
After fat transfer, the recovery time is really minimal. However, because there may be some bruising and swelling, it’s best to wait for one to two weeks before you hit the gym.
As for implants, normally resumption of full activity is allowed from after two up to a few weeks, depending on the case.
As breast augmentation by fat grafting actually includes two procedures (liposuction and fat transfer), the cost of the whole procedure is usually higher than of the one with the usage of implants.
The cost of a Natural Breast Augmentation generally starts at $9000, depending on a patient’s BMI and amount of areas they do.